9. helita interface

The helita Python package contains several routines to interface with RH 1.5D. Installation instructions are available in its website.

9.1. Reading and writing input files

9.1.1. Writing atmosphere files

The rh15d module in helita.sim contains a function to write an input atmosphere in RH 1.5D format, assuming the user already has the required data to write at hand. Its function definition is:

def make_xarray_atmos(outfile, T, vz, z, nH=None, x=None, y=None, Bz=None, By=None,
                      Bx=None, rho=None, ne=None, vx=None, vy=None, vturb=None,
                      desc=None, snap=None, boundary=None, append=False):
    Creates HDF5 input file for RH 1.5D using xarray.

    outfile : string
        Name of destination. If file exists it will be wiped.
    T : n-D array
        Temperature in K. Its shape will determine the output
        dimensions. Shape is generally (nt, nx, ny, nz), but any
        dimensions except nz can be omitted. Therefore the array can
        be 1D, 2D, or 3D, 4D but ultimately will always be saved as 4D.
    vz : n-D array
        Line of sight velocity in m/s. Same shape as T.
    z : n-D array
        Height in m. Can have same shape as T (different height scale
        for each column) or be only 1D (same height for all columns).
    nH : n-D array, optional
        Hydrogen populations in m^-3. Shape is (nt, nhydr, nx, ny, nz),
        where nt, nx, ny can be omitted but must be consistent with
        the shape of T. nhydr can be 1 (total number of protons) or
        more (level populations). If nH is not given, rho must be given!
    ne : n-D array, optional
        Electron density in m^-3. Same shape as T.
    rho : n-D array, optional
        Density in kg m^-3. Same shape as T. Only used if nH is not given.
    vx : n-D array, optional
        x velocity in m/s. Same shape as T. Not in use by RH 1.5D.
    vy : n-D array, optional
        y velocity in m/s. Same shape as T. Not in use by RH 1.5D.
    vturb : n-D array, optional
        Turbulent velocity (Microturbulence) in km/s. Not usually needed
        for MHD models, and should only be used when a depth dependent
        microturbulence is needed (constant microturbulence can be added
        in RH).
    Bx : n-D array, optional
        Magnetic field in x dimension, in Tesla. Same shape as T.
    By : n-D array, optional
        Magnetic field in y dimension, in Tesla. Same shape as T.
    Bz : n-D array, optional
        Magnetic field in z dimension, in Tesla. Same shape as T.
    x : 1-D array, optional
        Grid distances in m. Same shape as first index of T.
    y : 1-D array, optional
        Grid distances in m. Same shape as second index of T.
    x : 1-D array, optional
        Grid distances in m. Same shape as first index of T.
    snap : array-like, optional
        Snapshot number(s).
    desc : string, optional
        Description of file
    boundary : Tuple, optional
        Tuple with [bottom, top] boundary conditions. Options are:
        0: Zero, 1: Thermalised, 2: Reflective.
    append : boolean, optional
        If True, will append to existing file (if any).

Note that while in this routine the writing of the hydrogen populations is optional (they can be derived from the mass density, if available), RH 1.5D does not support this yet.


The variables passed to make_xarray_atmos must be consistent with the height scale. The first height index must be the top of the atmosphere (closest to observer), and the height scale must be strictly decreasing.

9.1.2. Reading atmosphere files

Once written, the input atmosphere files can be read in Python with xarray, and do not require helita. For example:

>>> import xarray
>>> atmos = xarray.open_dataset('my_atmos.hdf5')
>>> atmos
Dimensions:               (depth: 82, nhydr: 6, snapshot_number: 1, x: 5, y: 5)
  * x                     (x) int64 0 1 2 3 4
  * y                     (y) int64 0 1 2 3 4
    z                     (snapshot_number, depth) float32 ...
  * snapshot_number       (snapshot_number) int32 0
Dimensions without coordinates: depth, nhydr
Data variables:
    temperature           (snapshot_number, x, y, depth) float32 ...
    velocity_z            (snapshot_number, x, y, depth) float32 ...
    electron_density      (snapshot_number, x, y, depth) float64 ...
    hydrogen_populations  (snapshot_number, nhydr, x, y, depth) float32 ...
    velocity_turbulent    (snapshot_number, x, y, depth) float32 ...
    comment:          Created with make_xarray_atmos on 2018-01-25 15:28:10.4...
    boundary_top:     0
    boundary_bottom:  1
    has_B:            0
    description:      FAL C model with 82 depth points replicated to 5x5 colu...
    nx:               5
    ny:               5
    nz:               82
    nt:               1

The amount of detail loaded by xarray will depend how the atmosphere was written. Older atmosphere files may not have as much verbose attributes or labeled coordinates (especially if written by plain HDF5 with no attaching of dimension scales), but they are still valid. Older netCDF atmospheres should work fine with xarray.

It is also possible to modify the data with xarray, and saving and updated atmosphere is done via the to_netcdf() method:

>>> atmos.to_netcdf("newfile.hdf5", format='NETCDF4')

Be sure to use format='NETCDF4' so that the file is internally HDF5!

9.1.3. Writing wavelength files

Another utility function in rh15d.py is make_wave_file. This creates an RH wavelength file (to be used with the option WAVETABLE in keyword.input) that contains additional wavelengths to be calculated. The function’s usage is documented in its function call:

def make_wave_file(outfile, start=None, end=None, step=None, new_wave=None,
                   ewave=None, air=True):
   Writes RH wave file (in xdr format). All wavelengths should be in nm.

   start: number
       Starting wavelength.
   end: number
       Ending wavelength (non-inclusive)
   step: number
       Wavelength separation
   outfile: string
       Name of file to write.
   ewave: 1-D array, optional
       Array of existing wavelengths. Program will make discard points
       to make sure no step is enforced using these points too.
   air: boolean, optional
       If true, will at the end convert the wavelengths into vacuum

You can either supply an array with the wavelengths, or give a range of wavelengths and a fixed spacing, e.g.:

>>> from helita.sim import rh15d
>>> rr = rh15d.Rh15dout()
# this will write wavelenghts from 650 to 650 nm, 0.01 nm spacing:
>>> rh15d.make_wave_file('my.wave', 650, 660, 0.01)
# this will write an existing array "my_waves", if it exists
>>> rh15d.make_wave_file('my.wave', ewave=my_waves)

9.2. Reading output files

The main class to read the output is called Rh15dout. It uses xarray under the hood and populates an object with all the different datasets. It can be initiated in the following way:

>>> from helita.sim import rh15d
>>> rr = rh15d.Rh15dout()
--- Read ./output_aux.hdf5 file.
--- Read ./output_indata.hdf5 file.
--- Read ./output_ray.hdf5 file.

By default, it will look for the three files in the directory specified as main argument (defaults to current directory). Additionally, the method read_group(infile) can be used to manually load the output_aux.hdf5 or output_indata.hdf5 and the method and read_ray(infile) can be used to manually load the output_ray.hdf5 file. The variables themselves are not read into memory, but are rather a memmap object (file pointer; only read when needed) that xarray opens.

After loading the files, the Rh15dout instance loads each file as an xarray dataset with the base name of each group (e.g. ray, atmos, atom_CA, mpi).The ray attribute contains the same dataset as shown in the xarray example above.

The attributes of each file are still accessible under the attributes of each object, e.g.:

>>> rr.ray.creation_time
>>> rr.atmos.nrays
>>> rr.mpi.nprocesses

With xarray it is easy to quickly inspect and plot different quantities. For example, to plot the intensity at (x, y) = (0, 0):

>>> rr.ray.intensity[0, 0].plot()

Or the intensity at a fixed wavelength:

>>> rr.ray.intensity.sel(wavelength=279.55, method='nearest').plot()

(This only shows a 2D image if you calculated the intensity from a 3D model, otherwise an histogram or line plot is shown.)

9.3. Visualisation and notebooks

helita includes a visualisation module, helita.sim.rh15d_vis, with widgets that are meant to be used inside the Jupyter notebook. To use these, you will need to install not only helita but also the Matplotlib Jupyter Extension and the IPython widgets for Jupyter. If you have Anaconda, both can be installed with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets ipympl widgetsnbextension
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension

You can also install them with pip (check their pages for details).

Currently we have the following Jupyter notebooks for visualisation of RH 1.5D output:

To use the above notebooks, you need to have run RH 1.5D and have the output files ready!

You can also explore the input atmosphere files with the Jupyter widget rh15d_vis.InputAtmosphere in helita:

>>> from helita.sim import rh15d_vis
>>> rh15d_vis.InputAtmosphere('my_atmos.hdf5');